
useQuery and useServerSideQuery return a QueryResult object. Apart from the data property, it also has a refetch method that can be used to refetch the data on demand:

useQuery and useServerSideQuery takes an options argument that controls how and when to cache a query and when to refetch automatically:

export interface UseQueryOptions {
   * Time in milliseconds after which the value will be evicted from the
   * cache when there are no subscribers. Use 0 for immediate eviction and
   * `Infinity` to disable.
   * @default 300_000 (5 minutes)
  cacheTime?: number;
   * Time in milliseconds after which a cached value will be considered
   * stale.
   * @default 100
  staleTime?: number;
   * Refetch the query when the component is mounted. If set to `true`, a stale
   * query will be refetched when the component is mounted. If set to `"always"`,
   * the query will be refetched when the component is mounted regardless of
   * staleness. `false` disables this behavior.
   * @default true
  refetchOnMount?: boolean | "always";
   * Refetch the query when the window gains focus. If set to `true`, the
   * query will be refetched on window focus if it is stale. If set to
   * `"always"`, the query will be refetched on window focus regardless of
   * staleness. `false` disables this behavior.
   * @default false
  refetchOnWindowFocus?: boolean | "always";
   * Continuously refetch every `refetchInterval` milliseconds. Set to false
   * to disable.
   * @default false
  refetchInterval?: number | false;
   * Perform continuous refetching even when the window is in the background.
   * @default false
  refetchIntervalInBackground?: boolean;
   * Refetch the query when the internet connection is restored. If set to
   * `true`, a stale query will be refetched when the internet connection is
   * restored. If set to `"always"`, the query will be refetched when the
   * internet connection is restored regardless of staleness. `false` disables
   * this behavior.
   * @default false
  refetchOnReconnect?: boolean | "always";